Avian Gastric Yeast (Macrorhabdosis)
Macrorhabdus ornithogaster, formerly known as “megabacteria,” is a Gram-positive yeast that affects psittacine (most commonly budgerigars) andsome non-psittacine birds.
Clinical Signs
Non-specific (“fluffed” bird), regurgitation, vomiting, loose stools, anorexia, chronic weight loss, emaciation, melena, anemia, sudden death. Birds are often acting hungry and eat readily despite weight loss.
Fecal cytology to identify the organism
Caution: can be easily washed of slides
PCR >90% sensitivity
+/- Radiographs - to rule in/out other GI diseases
+/- Histopathology if pet passes away and a necropsy is performed
Oral treatment is with the medication Amphotericin B or Fluconazole depending on your veterinarian's advice and recommendations.
Apple Cider Vinegar 15 mL/qt of drinking water has also been recommended.
Good with early diagnosis and treatment although some birds can succumb to chronic disease with severe weight loss.
Recheck examination at 14 day mark or sooner if problems, fecal test at end of treatment.